LPG endermologie

Beautiful and radiant skin, whatever your age!

LPG Endermologie is a fully non-invasive and effective method of mechanical skin stimulation that naturally stimulates the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The effect of a series of treatments is to reduce localized and resistant adipose tissue, smooth cellulite, reduce the appearance of new and old scars, and improve firmness and restore radiance to the skin.



number of treatments


of recovery

none / does not require


none / does not require
The number of treatments is determined at the time of the free holistic consultation at Arcadia Clinic, based on an interview with the patient and an agreed treatment plan.

Treatment area



Indications for body treatment:

Improving skin firmness in a given area
Slimming and body shaping
Cellulite reduction
Reducing water retention
Improving blood and lymph circulation
Therapeutic effects: scars, swelling, stasis, muscle and joint pain

Indications for facial treatment:

Swelling under the eyes
Laxity of the skin on the face and neck
Lack of facial skin firmness
Tired and dull skin


Reduction of locally localized and resistant fat tissue
Smoothing cellulite
Improving skin firmness
Stimulation of the production of natural collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid
Reduction of scars resulting from cesarean section, accident, burns and stretch marks
Skin lifting
Modeling and firming the figure
Significant improvement in blood and lymph circulation
Therapeutic effect in case of swelling, stasis, muscle or joint pain

Effects of buttock treatment:

Pośladki zabieg Kraków

Effects of the back treatment:

Endermologia LPG Kraków zabieg

zabieg na cellulit kraków

Preparation for LPG Endermologie

There is no special preparation required for an LPG Endermologie treatment. The treatment cannot be undertaken if you have symptoms of a cold or illness, so try to be rested and fully healthy before your appointment.



Prior to any aesthetic medicine or cosmetology treatment performed at Arcadia Clinic, a free holistic consultation with our experts is carried out each time. During the meeting, the specialist will take a detailed health history, diagnose your skin condition and suggest the best treatment plan for your skin. In addition, during the consultation you can ask about other issues important to you.


Before the treatment, a special ‘Endermowear’ costume must be worn. It ensures optimum power during LPG Endermologie and gives you the opportunity to perform smooth manoeuvres.


The LPG Endermologie treatment consists of a vacuum massage combined with vibrations, which are performed on selected parts of the body. The effectiveness of the device is based on the suction force of the head, which is combined with the movement of the rollers that stimulate the skin and tissues, thus obtaining a fat-reducing effect. LPG Endermologie treatment is completely painless and non-invasive.

Postoperative recommendations

Physical activity

Drinking plenty of water (especially after treatment)

Balanced and healthy diet


Age under 18
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Heart diseases
Liver failure
Metal implants in treatment areas
Presence or history of cancer, especially a history of skin cancer
Impairment of the immune system, e.g. in the case of AIDS or HIV.
Unregulated hypertension
Viral and bacterial infections
Active dermatoses on the treatment site
Disturbance of the continuity of the epidermis
Performing surgical, invasive, ablative procedures without complete healing of the treatment area.
Varicose veins
Use of anticoagulants
cellulit kraków

Benefit from LPG Endermologie treatment at Arcadia Clinic

Book a free holistic consultation

Endermologie Krakow

LPG Endermology treatment performed at Arcadia Clinic Krakow is a modern, all-natural and effective way to: skin firming, cellulite reduction, reduction of excess body fat, silhouette modelling, skin thickening or scar reduction. The treatment is performed by a team of qualified cosmetology specialists using state-of-the-art equipment.

Would you like to achieve skin tightening, cellulite removal, reduction of excess fat, silhouette modelling or removal of post-surgical or accident scars? At Arcadia Clinic we specialise in endermologie treatments.

The very first endermologie treatment intensively accelerates the metabolism of fat tissue, thus cleansing the metabolism of toxins and improving circulation in the body. Subsequent series of treatments will produce amazing and long-lasting results that improve and model the silhouette, deal with the feeling of tired legs, reduce scars and guarantee the effect of skin rejuvenation.

Skin firming and body shaping Krakow

Do you want to effectively model your silhouette and make your skin firmer? Benefit from an LPG Endermologie treatment performed at Arcadia Clinic, a state-of-the-art aesthetic medicine and cosmetology practice in Krakow. LPG Endermologie treatment allows for effective body shaping and skin firming thanks to mechanical stimulation of the skin, which naturally increases the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

A series of LPG Endermologie treatments at Arcadia Clinic allows you to achieve amazing results, including but not limited to: improvement of skin firmness, slimming of the silhouette, reduction and removal of cellulite, improvement of lymph circulation, removal of scars, therapeutic effect (swelling, stasis, muscle and joint pain).

Cellulite removal Krakow

Are you facing the problem of so-called ‘orange peel’, or cellulite? LPG endermologie is an effective tool to help you reduce unwanted cellulite.

LPG Endermologie is a non-invasive and effective method of mechanical skin stimulation that naturally stimulates cell metabolism. The treatment allows you to reduce excess fat, get rid of cellulite and firm the skin.