Cellulite - how to combat it at Arcadia Clinic?

Cellulite affects the majority of the population. Both young and mature women struggle with the problem of orange peel. Its formation is not dependent on weight or body shape. The main cause of its formation is the uneven distribution of fat tissue. It is also influenced by poor diet and hormonal problems. Cellulite removal treatments carried out by the team of specialists in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology from Arcadia Clinic, are characterised by high effectiveness and significant improvement of the subcutaneous tissue.

Whether you want to get rid of excess fat, improve blood circulation or discover the causes of cellulite, our specialists will comprehensively answer your questions and plan your therapy in full. Come and see us for a free holistic consultation.

Ways to treat cellulite at Arcadia Clinic

Arcadia Clinic’s extensive range of services provides effective cellulite treatment and reduces uneven fat distribution. Our patients can benefit from a package of services tailored to each type of cellulite. We offer assistance in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology.

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What is cellulite?

Cellulite is colloquially compared to an orange peel, as visible nodules appear when a fold of skin is squeezed. The reason for its formation is the excessive accumulation of water and fat in the body. How can one cellulite be distinguished from another? The simplest test is to squeeze the skin. Excess water will be characterised by swollen skin that is white in colour. By excess fatty tissue, the skin will be sore when squeezed and small lumps will show. Depending on the severity, cellulite may be visible to the naked eye or only after being tested.

Cellulite most often appears on the breasts, abdomen and thighs. It is mainly obese people who struggle with this unpleasant condition. This is because cellulite is directly linked to fat accumulated in the body. The efficient removal of water from the body is impeded if cellulite appears on the body. Fat cells accumulated in the body compress the blood and lymphatic vessels, which consequently slows down the exchange of oxygen and nutrients. Toxins are not removed from the body and water is retained in the tissues.

czym jest cellulit

Cellulit to choroba?

From a medical point of view, cellulite is a disease that we should fight against. Why is it so difficult to get rid of? Clumps of fat accumulate unevenly in the body, creating voids where water and metabolic products collect. Blood vessels are disturbed in the areas concerned.

Ways to combat cellulite

If we want to single out the main methods of combating cellulite, we can mention dietary changes and exercise, the right skin care products and cellulite treatments.

Diet and exercise to reduce cellulite

Cellulite reduction die ts should not be confused with weight loss diets, they are not the same thing. Dieting is not just about counting calories, it is also about making sure you eat regularly and get enough water into your body. To effectively take care of your diet, you should eliminate the following from your diet: highly processed products with a lot of salt, fizzy drinks, alcohol, white bread and wheat products. Instead of these products, it is advisable to drink min. instead of these products, it is advisable to drink at least 2 litres of water, eat more often but less frequently and replace wheat flour with other similar products.

The fight against cellulite is also connected with practising sports. A noteworthy activity recommended by many specialists is regular physical activity and walking, which will not only help to fight cellulite, but will also benefit our physical condition.

Cellulite treatments

There are many cosmetic treatments that work on the subcutaneous tissue. Fatty cellulite is best combated by lymphatic drainage, needle mesotherapy, deep body part massages or, in some cases, hyaluronic acid treatments. If you don’t know what to opt for then come and see us for a free consultation, during which we will choose a personalised treatment plan for you.

How to get rid of cellulite at Arcadia Clinic?

With a wide range of state-of-the-art Hi-Tech equipment used for cosmetic treatments, we offer a range of non-invasive and completely safe treatments that will effectively remove fat cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Our Arcadia Clinic uses devices such as LPG endermologie, shock wave, radio wave and electromagnetic field technology for its treatments.

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Deep anti-cellulite massage

Reduced skin elasticity has many negative effects, from the formation of wrinkles to skin sagging to the formation of cellulite. Treatments for cellulite can be divided into those that are invasive and those that are completely safe for the body. The stages of cellulite development estimate which treatments should be implemented at which point. Alma Beauty’s SPADEEP treatment uses concentrated radiofrequency heat energy to contour the body and face, thereby firming and rejuvenating the complexion.

Orange peel is removed with a combination of radiofrequency energy and mechanical massage. This has the effect of increasing fat metabolism, stimulating lymphatic drainage and visibly smoothing the texture on our skin. This treatment is ideal for the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and arms. The device can also be used on the upper body, resulting in firmer skin on the face, neck and décolleté.

The treatment lasts approximately 30-60 minutes, which mainly depends on the size of the area being treated. For ideal results, a series of 4-6 treatments performed at two-week intervals should be performed. We do not need a period of convalescence after the treatment, as it is safe and non-invasive.

An alternative to physical activity

Cellulite is defined as excess body fat. Fatty tissue is best eliminated by frequent physical activity. But is this the most effective? Certainly, plenty of exercise slows down or completely eliminates the symptoms of cellulite. At Arcadia Clinic, we offer a faster and more efficient way to get rid of cellulite, and its first effects are visible after the first treatment. Schwarze technology involves magnetic stimulation of the subcutaneous tissue.

During the treatment, the Schwarzy device uses an electromagnetic field and proprietary FMS technology, or Focused Magnetic Stimulation. The muscle contraction created by the device triggers lipolysis in the fat cells, which ultimately results in a reduction in fat tissue. This treatment has much better results than in people who are only physically active. Depending on the body part on which we act with the electrode (abdomen, buttocks, thighs or arms), the power and electromagnetic pulse are individually adapted to the patient’s needs.

Although we act with the electrode on the surface of the skin, the treatment is completely painless. An appropriately prepared liquid cooling system inhibits the process of dangerous heating of the body. Traditional electrostimulation methods require the use of a wet suit, which often puts clients off by discomfort during the treatment. This method is so innovative that it can even be performed through clothing.

The treatment not only reduces fat but also increases muscle tissue, which is why it is a popular choice for men. The treatment takes approximately 20-45 minutes and is recommended to be used twice a week for up to 8 sessions.

Types of cellulite

As mentioned above, there are two main types of cellulite.

Water cellulite

This is the easiest skin lesion to deal with. It generally manifests itself as a slight swelling, an uneven surface when a skin fold is squeezed. Aquagenic cellulite even befalls people with a slim figure who have no problems maintaining a normal body weight. This change is caused by an inadequate exchange of fluids in the body, through hormone-related disorders. This problem is experienced by some women just before their period, when there is a build-up of water in the body. To combat it, all you need to do is introduce more exercise into your daily lifestyle. Daily gymnastics, long walks or regular visits to the gym should all help.

Fatty cellulite

This problem mainly affects people who are overweight or obese. Combating it is not easy and requires a lot of perseverance on the part of the sufferer. Who does this problem mainly affect? Fatty cellulite appears in people with a sedentary lifestyle, taking little exercise and with an unhealthy diet. A healthy diet is unfortunately not the only prescription for removing fat cells. The culprit of all this confusion is lipids, or in other words fat cells. Lipids are surrounded by water and toxins, resulting in the formation of lumps. The lumps interfere with the body’s metabolism, which impairs the absorption of oxygen. The first step in the fight against fatty cellulite is to remove all calorific products from your diet, i.e. sweets, fast food, alcohol and fizzy drinks.

How does cellulite form?

The cause of formation can be classified by the type of cellulite. Hormonal disorders are most often responsible for the orange peel effect. The swelling that occurs puts pressure on fat cells, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. As a result, toxins are not exchanged, the cells are not oxygenated and water accumulates in the hollow areas. If cellulite is not treated, connective tissue inflammation shows up after a while. There are three main periods in a woman’s life when cellulite appears, they are:

– puberty – this is when a young woman undergoes her first hormonal changes

– pregnancy – this is when the body has a tendency to store fat “in reserve”, which encourages the formation of lumps

– menopause – this is the period when the skin no longer works properly and the body has a greater tendency to gain weight.

In addition to the above-mentioned, a sedentary lifestyle, little exercise, clothes that are too tight, circulation problems, smoking, poor diet and large fluctuations in weight are all significant contributors to the formation of cellulite.

jak pozbyc sie cellulitu

Degree of cellulite - diagnosis

The problem of abnormal fat distribution is now known worldwide and is affecting more and more women. In order to take the right steps and choose therapies, one must first classify one’s cellulite to the right stage.

The first degree of cellulite only manifests itself when a skin compression test is performed. Compared to healthy tissue here, tiny lumps will be visible. At this stage, all you need to do is rid your body of excess water through more exercise and the lumps should disappear on their own.

The second stage of cellulite is visible when the lower limbs are excessively tense. The lumps, which resemble orange peels in texture, are not yet visible to the naked eye. However, at this point you should already be taking care of your diet and general lifestyle so that the defect does not worsen.

The third degree of cellulite is already visible without compression or tension. Cellulite is already visible in both sitting and lying down positions. This degree of cellulite requires the patient to see a doctor to remove fat cells accumulated in the body.

The fourth stage of cellulite is the most painful, as the visible skin changes are accompanied by pain when touched. The fatty tissue compresses the nerve connections and this can consequently involve serious damage to the skin, so as soon as the first symptoms are observed, it is important to visit a medical aesthetician.

Ways to combat cellulite at Arcadia Clinic

At Arcadia Clinic aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, you will find a wide range of treatments to firm your silhouette and combat the unpleasant problem of cellulite. During a free holistic consultation, our team of experts will answer all your questions and propose a therapy individually tailored to your needs.

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