Problem skin - how to deal with it?

Problematic skin needs to be approached strategically. As well as choosing the right cosmetics, you need to adapt the type and frequency of treatments to your needs. Problem skin requires daily care and regular treatments to get rid of excess oil. Our experts at Arcadia Clinic will appropriately address any skin type, whether oily skin or skin prone to hyperpigmentation.

Visit us for a complimentary holistic consultation, during which we will select a suitable, individually tailored treatment for you. Our team will help you remove dead skin, improve skin tone and implement anti-inflammatory treatments.

Less visible imperfections at Arcadia Clinic Krakow

Arcadia Clinic patients can benefit from a wide range of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology treatments to get rid of inflammation of sensitive skin in adolescence and beyond and treat oily skin. We have advanced solutions to help combat visible enlarged pores and oily skin.

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Water peeling unclogs pores

There is nothing better than a treatment that can be performed at any time of the year. It is the facial scrub that is one of the more loved treatments for removing imperfections. The treatment is recommended to be performed mainly in summer, when our skin needs refreshment. The main effects after the treatment include:
– hydration and oxygenation of the skin,
cleansing of the skin,
– gentle exfoliation of dead skin,
– anti-acne action and relief of rosacea symptoms.

There are several types of this treatment. It can be used for oily skin, young skin with acne symptoms and as a stimulation of hair growth.

The Zaffiro Waterpeeling treatment at Arcadia Clinic involves the administration of special active cosmetics to the skin using coupled air. The head is equipped with special nozzles the size of a pin head, which inject substances under the skin by gentle puncturing. The treatment itself is non-invasive and safe for the skin. The method exfoliates keratinised epidermis and smooths and softens the skin.

Cleansing by peeling is called a banquet treatment by its advocates, as it ideally prepares the skin before important meetings, on which the initial make-up will be applied. Applying this treatment systematically slows down the ageing process considerably and is suitable for pregnant women. The peeling is recommended for problematic skin and for daily care.

Hydradermabrasion - cleanses and moisturises the skin

Problematic and impurity-prone skin is ideal for a microdermabrasion treatment. The head cleanses perfectly and the active ingredients moisturise the skin. Nowadays, there are many cosmetics on the market for daily use and make-up that fill in open pores. This results in the formation of blackheads that creams alone will not draw out. The Dermaclear treatment cleanses, soothes and moisturises the skin in one go.

The hydradermabrasion treatment can be divided into three stages.

  1. Exfoliation – the old epidermis is exfoliated. How does it work? The peeling preparations dissolved in water actively work on the old epidermis, effectively removing it from the surface of the skin, leaving it clean and fresh.
  2. Cleansing – a strong suction head is applied to the skin subjected to the first stage and, from the deep skin layers, blackheads are sucked into the inner part of the machine. The skin thus cleansed is ready for moisturisation.
  3. Moisturisation – in the final stage, a special serum is applied to the skin to hydrate and nourish, leaving the complexion in good condition.

This treatment should not be used more than once a month. Their frequency should be selected individually to the patient. The appropriate time of year to perform them is autumn and winter.

Arcadia Clinic cosmetological treatments for problematic skin

Problematic skin doesn’t have to be a problem, thanks to the range of treatments on offer using state-of-the-art Hi-Tech equipment. The treatments are completely safe and non-invasive, and the gentle cosmetics used at the clinic will benefit your skin tone and quality.

Our offer includes treatments to reduce excess sebum, help fight juvenile acne and remove hyperpigmentation. In our package we use: DermaClear, GeneO®, a water peel treatment or micro-needle radiofrequency (RF micro-needling).

See what the first visit to Arcadia Clinic is like

What is problematic skin?

Problem skin is skin lesions resulting from excessive sebum secretion and a lack of air circulation in closed pores. Combating it is often likened to washing the face thoroughly every day, as the excess sebum that is produced needs to be removed regularly. During the day, we tend to touch our facial skin with our hands a lot, which results in spreading bacteria and irritates the skin. To nullify oily skin, it is best to use suitable skin cleansing cosmetics with active ingredients that penetrate open pores. Contrary to popular belief, it should not be over-dried as this can result in other harmful skin lesions. Pimples and blackheads cannot always be removed by home remedies alone. A visit to the dermatologist is often necessary. A special serum or cream dedicated to problematic skin can help with daily skin care. Blackheads are caused by skin exfoliation, which clogs the sebaceous glands. This results in inflammation, or colloquially speaking, a pimple.

skora problematyczna jak sobie z nia poradzic
jakie kosmetyki do cery problematycznej

Which cosmetics for problematic skin?

Problem skin is worth combating by using the right cream for daily skincare. Before buying, it is important to research the market in detail. Often it will be a better choice to buy one more expensive cream, for example from a pharmacy, instead of buying many creams advertised on television. The specialists at Arcadia Clinic can plan a personalised treatment for you using cosmetics at home. You can find high-quality products for moisturising and treating skin problems in the clinic’s range. You can ask about the selection of cosmetics for your skin during your visit.

Oily skin does not need extra moisturising, and dryskin should not be dried out by cosmetics with a strong antiseptic effect. Frequent eczema should be treated by visiting aesthetic medicine and cosmetology practices, where a team of specialists will select the appropriate long-term treatment methods.

How do I get rid of blackheads on my nose?

A blackhead can most often be matched to oily or combination skin. A common mistake in getting rid of imperfections is squeezing blackheads in front of the bathroom mirror. There is nothing worse than spreading sebum to other parts of the facial skin. The best and long-lasting effect is shown by cosmetic treatments offered by aesthetic medicine and cosmetology practices.

The problem of ‘blackheads’ on the nose is encountered both by people with acne-prone skin and those who do not show any skin problems. This is why regular cleansing of these areas is so important. Blackheads turn black because the sebum coming out of the glands oxidises on contact with the air. You should therefore not be concerned that the lesions are caused by inflammation. The condition is usually identified by complaints of pain on touching. Peeling and exfoliating treatments offered by Arcadia Clinic in Krakow will help to get rid of the persistent problem of unsightly spots on the nose and other parts of the body.

Solving problematic skin at Arcadia Clinic

If you are struggling with acne-prone skin, take advantage of a free holistic consultation at Arcadia Clinic, where a team of specialists will prepare a personalised treatment plan for you, taking into account all your skin concerns. The aesthetic medicine and cosmetology clinic has a range of treatments, which will allow you to choose a device to suit your skin condition.

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